Susan Tsivitse Arthur

Susan Tsivitse Arthur
Ph.D. Applied Physiology, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH (2003), M.S. Exercise Science, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH (2001), B.S. Biology, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH (1995)
Faculty Rank:
Assistant Professor
Personal Interests:
Personal Interests: Shutzhund dog sport (Piedmont Shutzhund club), family support coordinator for the U.S. Air Force 118th Air Support Operations Squadron, outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, camping, kayaking, triathlons
Research Interest:
Effect of physiological stimuli on signaling pathways that regulate myogenesis.
Research Statement:
Sarcopenia is the loss of skeletal muscle mass and function with age. Impaired skeletal muscle regeneration is one component of sarcopenia. Notch and Wnt signaling are suggested to be dysfunctional during regeneration of aged skeletal muscle. It is of interest to determine the effect of models of biological muscle injury (physiological stimuli) on Notch and Wnt signaling during aged skeletal muscle repair. Dr. Arthur’s research agenda consists of examining the influence of Notch and Wnt signaling during repair of aged skeletal muscle that was exposed to physiological stimuli (exercise, muscle lengthening, hypertrophy). In addition, Dr. Arthur is investigating the interaction of Notch and Wnt signaling with muscle proteins that may be important for myogenesis (Msx1 Foxk1). In a collaboration with Appalachian State (Kevin Zwetsloot and Andy Shanely) Dr. Arthur and their team are studing the effect of the naturally-produced phytoecdysteroids from Ajuga turkestanica as a countermeasure against sarcopenia. Dr. Arthur is collaborating with colleagues at UNC Charlotte, Drs. Reuben Howden, Scott Gordon and Yvette Huet as well as neighboring research institutions and universities: Nury Steurwald (Carolina Medical Center), Andy Shanely and Kevin Zwetsloot (Appalachian State University including North Carolina Research Center). And international collaborations with Drs. Peter Magnusson, Abigail Mackey and Michael Kjaer (University of Copenhagen, Center of Healthy Aging).
Teaching Specialty:
Undergraduate: Exercise Testing (ATRN/EXER 3286); Exercise Prescription (ATRN/EXER 4286) Graduate: Research in Nursing & Health Professions (NURS 6160), Nutrition (KNES 6260), Cardiopulmonary and Metabolic Diseases Exercise Prescription (KNES 6134), Advances in Clinical Exercise Physiology (KNES 6120)
2006 – present: Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC
2003 – 2006: Post-doctoral fellowship, Department of Neurology and Neurological Sciences, Stanford University School of Medicine
Current Projects:
- The effect of downhill running on Notch and Wnt signaling in young skeletal muscle.
- The effect of downhill running on Notch and Wnt signaling in aged skeletal muscle.
- The influence of Notch and Wnt for Msx1 expression during myogenesis
- Foxk1 and Notch and Wnt interaction during myogenesis
- Naturally-produced phytoecdysteroids from Ajuga turkestanica as a countermeasure against sarcopenia
Recent Publications:
Tsivitse S.K., T.J. McLoughlin, J. Peterson, E. Mylona, S.J. McGregor, and F.X. Pizza. Downhill running in rats: influence on muscle inflammatory cells and MyoD+ cells. Eur J Appl Physiol 90:633-638, 2003.
Tsivitse S.K., E. Mylona, J.M. Peterson, W.T. Gunning, and F.X. Pizza. Mechanical loading and injury induce human myotubes to release neutrophil chemoattractants. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 288:C721-C729, 2005.
Tsivitse S.K., M.G. Peters, A.L. Stoy, J.A. Mundy, R.S. Bowen. The effect of downhill running on Notch signaling in regenerating skeletal muscle. Eur J Appl Physiol 106:759-767, 2009.
Tsivitse S. Notch and Wnt Signaling, Physiological Stimuli and Postnatal Myogenesis. Int J Biol Sci 6(3): 268 – 281, 2010.
Arthur S. Tsivitse, I.D. Cooley. The effect of physiological stimuli on sarcopenia; impact of Notch and Wnt signaling on impaired aged skeletal muscle repair. Int J Biol Sci 8(5): 731-760, 2012.